Economic Sciences (ES) is an international, blind peer-reviewed, online journal published monthly, featuring high-quality economic and Science research articles. The ES editorial board comprises professional economists and scientists from around the globe. The Economic Sciences aims to present top-tier research that addresses inquiries, substantiates findings, and draws conclusions pertinent to business, trade, commerce, science, humanities, law, technology and economics across various academic fields, emphasizing a global outlook.
Economic Sciences
Article Publication Charges: 350 USD

The journal invites the submission of both theoretical and empirical research papers in the following fields of research:

  • Applied Macroeconomics;
  • Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth;
  • Econometrics, Theoretical and Applied applications;
  • Financial Economics;
  • Health, Education, and Welfare;
  • International Economics;
  • Public Economics;
  • Macroeconomics;
  • Science and Technology;
  • Health Economics;
  • Environmental Economics;
  • Cultural Economics;
  • Education Economics;
  • Development Economics;
  • Law and Economics;
  • Strategic Management;
  • Managerial Economics;
  • Organizational Behavior;
  • Operations Management;
  • Financial Management;
  • Marketing Management;
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management;
  • Supply Chain Management;
  • Applied Economics;

Each submission to Economic Sciences undergoes a thorough peer-review process, and decisions are communicated in a concise cover letter from the editors. ES aims for a rapid review cycle, with a target of one months from submission to final decision. Only quality articles are selected for publication in each issue, making acceptance highly competitive. Submission is free of charge.

Vol. 20 No. 2 (2024)

Published: 2024-09-04

A Critical Study of Behavioural Factors Affecting Mutual Funds Investors with Special Reference to Pune District

Dr. Priya Tiwari, Dr. Rishikaysh Kaakandikar, Mr. Sahil Sachin Bhosale, Dr. K Nirmala, Dr. Bharat Kasar (Author)


Influence of Family’s Attitude Towards Buying Decisions in Case of Durable Products

Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Shish Pal, Sarita, Sujata Bhambu (Author)


The Impact of Social Entrepreneurship on Market Mavericks: A Meta-Analysis

Dr. Padmavathy. G, Dr. Kumuda P. R., Mrs. N. Chithra, Dr. Kiran Kumar Thoti, Ms. A. Jonitha (Author)


The Role of Family Members on Decision Making Related to Fast Food

Rakshit Lakra, Dr. (Prof.) Priyanka Singh (Author)


An Analysis Examining the Way Supply Chain Management-Focused Third-Party Environmental Audits Contributed to Business Sustainability Efforts

Dr Kiran Kumar Thoti, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Asif Pasha, Dr C N Udaya Shankar, Ms. Jonitha A, Dr Mohd Fathi Abu Yaziz, Dr. Meera Uday (Author)


AI-Powered Chatbots in Customer Service: Impact on Brand Loyalty and Conversion Rates

Dr. R. Ramki, Dr. V. Gopi, Mrs Vidya. R, Dr. Rohit Markan, Dr Sundarapandiyan Natarajan, M.Rajalakshmi (Author)


Climate Finance: Pioneering Pathways to Sustainability

Mohd Irfan Pathan, Dr. Salil Seth, Lokesh Tomar, Parveen Yadav, Mrinal Kanti Mahato (Author)


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